Rudai 11: Professional Brand and Identity All this talk about professional brand, image and identity had led me to reflect and think about what image I am presenting professionally to the world, especially in this social media driven society we seem to be in the middle of, and which I struggle to feel a part of. But on the topic of professional branding, Facebook is my private domain and not something I wish to open up to all and sundry, and currently I only use twitter as a work social media project to highlight and promote the work of the library not me, and LinkedIn is some distant memory of site I registered with once, and a quick google search of my name produces a few references and links which are relatively unobjectionable. But nothing that says ‘Here is Stephen Leitch, library and information professional’ if anyone goes looking for information on me. Change is needed. I’ve just resurrected my LinkedIn account though I realise it needs a lot of work to bring I up to ...